Saturday, May 31, 2014

2014-05-31 - Ride Around Area on 3 Speed

Miles: 8.1
Start Time 7:23
Moving Time: 0:46:15
Elevation(Ft): 122
Avg Spd(M): 10.5
Max Spd(M): 17.0
Cad Avg:
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out: 91
Temp In:

Ride around area with usual SW wind.

Friday, May 30, 2014

2014-05-30 - To Luckie Park on 3 Speed

Miles: 8.1
Start Time 7:29
Moving Time: 0:46:17
Elevation(Ft): 1220
Avg Spd(M): 10.5
Max Spd(M): 22.1
Cad Avg:
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM): 89
Temp Out:
Temp In:

Warm ride with 8-12 SW wind to Luckie Park and back.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

2014-05-29 - Local Ride on 3 Speed

Miles: 6.1
Start Time 7:08
Moving Time: 0:33:55
Elevation(Ft): 0
Avg Spd(M): 10.8
Max Spd(M): 16.1
Cad Avg:
HR Avg(BPM): 93
HR Max(BPM): 90
Temp Out:
Temp In:

Usual ride in park and to water place. Park WiFi is up finally!

2014-05-28 - Ride to JTNP HQ on 3 Speed

Miles: 11.0
Start Time 7:00
Moving Time: 1:06:28
Elevation(Ft): 180
Avg Spd(M): 9.9
Max Spd(M): 23.5
Cad Avg:
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out:
Temp In:

Rode to JTNP HQ. No one was around so I went around the Oasis of Mara Trail. Longest ride for several weeks. Not good!

Video Coming and Going:

The Heat is Starting to Get to the Plants:

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

2014-05-27 - In Park Ride with New Viitat DVR

Miles: 6.2
Start Time 4:57
Moving Time: 0:43:32
Elevation(Ft): 0
Avg Spd(M): 8.6
Max Spd(M): 15.2
Cad Avg:
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out: 99
Temp In: 97


War ride in park to try new DVR. Tried handlebar mount then helmet then back to bar. It feels odd on head. Maybe needs some getting used to.

Monday, May 26, 2014

2014-05-26 - Around Area on 3 Speed

Miles: 6.4
Start Time 6:51
Moving Time: 0:39:17
Elevation(Ft): 0
Avg Spd(M): 9.7
Max Spd(M): 17.0
Cad Avg:
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out: 97
Temp In: 93

Warm evening with 10-15 SW to W wind.

New Neighbor:

Miles: 7.5
Start Time 7:26
Moving Time: 0:43:12
Elevation(Ft): 0
Avg Spd(M): 10.4
Max Spd(M): 15.9
Cad Avg:
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out: 93
Temp In:

Another pleasant evening ride. Still no WiFi except behind office where I am now. PIB!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

2014-05-24 - Around Area on 3 speed

Miles: 6.4
Start Time 7:45
Moving Time: 0:40:24
Elevation(Ft): 0
Avg Spd(M): 9.5
Max Spd(M): 14.8
Cad Avg:
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out: 83
Temp In:

Decent late evening night ride. Had camera on seat bag. Not bad!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

2014-05-22 - Evening Ride on 3 Speed

Miles: 7.2
Start Time 7:24
Moving Time: 0:42:59
Elevation(Ft): 0
Avg Spd(M): 10.0
Max Spd(M): 15.0
Cad Avg:
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out: 72
Temp In: 69

Short ride around area. Nice evening with almost no wind. Last night I wore my new mini video cam on my vest clipped on sideways. Tonight I had it clipped to a headband but the camera still got rotated. The video was bad both nights. I need a handlebar or helmet mount.

The WiFi has been down for several days and I am just not ready to go back and fill in the missing days here. The ride are on

Saturday, May 17, 2014

2014-05-17 - Evening Ride on 3 Speed

Miles: 7.3
Start Time 7:22
Moving Time: 0:42:56
Elevation(Ft): 0
Avg Spd(M): 10.1
Max Spd(M): 15.9
Cad Avg:
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out: 93
Temp In: 88

Warm evening ride. Coming west on Amboy was a chore with a 5-10 W wind. I came home and got my new hand held anemometer. By the time I got back out into thee breeze it has diminished to 5-6 MPH.

New golf cart cover (finally):

Friday, May 16, 2014

2014-05-16 - Evening Ride on 3 Speed

Miles: 6.6
Start Time 7:31
Moving Time: 0:39:57
Elevation(Ft): 0
Avg Spd(M): 9.9
Max Spd(M): 15.0
Cad Avg:
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out: 92
Temp In: 88

Warm evening ride with S to SW breeze which is bringing smoke from San Diego fires.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

2014-05-15 - NIght Ride on 3 Speed

Miles: 6.1
Start Time 8:10
Moving Time: 0:35:02
Elevation(Ft): 0
Avg Spd(M): 10.4
Max Spd(M): 17.4
Cad Avg:
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out: 83
Temp In: 79

A warm Night Ride.

2014-05-14 - Night Ride on 3 Speed

Miles: 6.6
Start Time 7:52
Moving Time: 0:39:09
Elevation(Ft): 0
Avg Spd(M): 10.2
Max Spd(M): 16.1
Cad Avg:
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out:
Temp In:

Pleasant twilight/night ride.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

2014-05-13 - Night Ride on 3 Speed

Miles: 6.3
Start Time 8:22
Moving Time: 0:35:04
Elevation(Ft): 0
Avg Spd(M): 10.7
Max Spd(M): 17.0
Cad Avg:
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out:
Temp In: 72

Beautiful cool evening with just a whiff of breeze (for a change).

Monday, May 12, 2014

2014-05-12 - Luckie Park and Return on 3 Speed

Miles: 8.8
Start Time 7:08
Moving Time: 0:48:26
Elevation(Ft): 163
Avg Spd(M): 10.9
Max Spd(M): 19.2
Cad Avg:
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out: 82
Temp In:

Pleasant ride to Luckie Park and up the hill to Desert Knoll.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

2014-05-11 - To JTNP HQ and Return

Miles: 10.1
Start Time 7:11
Moving Time: 0:54:52
Elevation(Ft): 199
Avg Spd(M): 11.1
Max Spd(M): 18.3
Cad Avg:
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out:
Temp In:

Ride to Park HQ. Mild W wind. No flats. I ran over something big last evening. The hole in the tube was big enough to put a round toothpick in.

2014-05-10 - Evening Ride with Flat at Jr. High

Miles: 5.8
Start Time 7:15
Moving Time: 0:53:32
Elevation(Ft): 57
Avg Spd(M): 6.5
Max Spd(M): 15.0
Cad Avg:
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out:
Temp In:

Was headed for Luckie Park but had flat at Jr. High. Pumped up and got a few hundred yards then walked home.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

2014-05-09 - Around Area on 3 Speed

Miles: 5.3
Start Time 6:57
Moving Time: 0:30:44
Avg Spd(M): 10.3
Max Spd(M): 16.1
Cad Avg:
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out:
Temp In:

Decent evening ride with NW wind. No Ambition again.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

2014-05-08 - Walk and Bus to Yucca Valley and Return

Miles: 5.0
Start Time 1:30
Moving Time: 1:45:00
Temp In: 78

Got the bug to take the bus to Yucca Valley for some adventure at 1:15. I took a quick shower and left home about 1:30. I had to run and walk to get the 3/4 mile to the bus stop by about 1:40. I got to the stop and turned around and there was the bus. No time to spare. My legs will be a mess to morrow from the running.

The ride the 29 Palms Transit Center and on to Walmart was uneventful. Since I had not eaten the first thing I did was to get a cheeseburger and a large chocolate shake at the in-house McDonald's. I poked around WM a bit then decided to kill another hour by walking the mile down the street to the old WM building which now houses a Tractor Supply store. I have seen references to this chain on the web and perhaps driven by a few stores in Texas but had not been in one. It seems to 1/2 hardware store and 1/2 feed store. It looks like a very farm oriented place. It will be interesting to see if it can hold on in this more urban environment. There are probably many horses and small animals in this area but no significant agriculture to speak of. Time will tell.

As the time to catch the return bus neared I went to the nearby Stater Bro's market and got a loaf of sprouted sesame bread and walked to the bus stop across the street. The ride back to 29 Palms was also uneventful if you do not count the 450 pound guy across from me who did not stop talking the entire time. He was boasting about his LA gang days and his various encounters with the law. Some of it was mildly amusing.

When I got to the 29 Palms Transit Center at 5:50 I discovered there is a gap in bus service between the TC and the base from the last bus at 5:00 until the next at 7:40 (not so easy to spot on the web site with separate PDF files for each route but more visible on the printed one page schedule displayed at stops). Rather than sit there for an hour and 1/2 I decided to hoof it the 2.8 miles home so I ended up with more exercise than I had planned which is not a bad thing.

I am off to treat myself to some Mexican food.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

2014-05-7 - Ride Around Area on 3 Speed

Miles: 5.5
Start Time 6:57
Moving Time: 0:33:32
Avg Spd(M): 9.9
Max Spd(M): 15.2
Cad Avg:
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out:
Temp In: 67

Chilly evening ride with W wind. No Ambition.

Monday, May 5, 2014

2014-05-05 - Afternoon Hike to Lost Horse Mine in JTNP

Miles: 5.3
Start Time 4:10
Moving Time: 2:04:42
Elevation(Ft): 843
Avg Spd(M): 23:43
Max Spd(M):
Cad Avg:
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out:
Temp In:

An interesting afternoon walk in JTNP. I set out to do the Lost Horse Mine Loop which includes 2 miles to the mine and then 4 miles beyond and around and back to the parking lot. I reached the mine about 5:15 with two hours of sunlight left. I walked to the saddle beyond the mine and noted that the part of the trail I could see was challenging and I did not want to put myself in a position to have to push it or get caught out in the dark so I elected to return to the mine for some poking around and photos. I will do the loop another time.

I usually over pack for a day hike, lighter, flashlight, etc., but had nothing with me but my phone, wallet and keys and two liters of very bad tasting water. I had dug out my hydration pack and filled it but did not taste it before I left the house and discovered at the parking lot that it was very bad, perhaps fit only for emergency use. Apparently I had put the hydration bladder away wet and something went very wrong inside. It is soaking in denture cleaner, the prescribed fix, now.

After some exploration and photography I left the stamp mill at 5:55 and got back to the car at 6:30 with plenty of time to spare.

The mine is very interesting. It was worked from 1893 until 1936 and the stamp mill is in very good condition. You can read a thorough description and history of the mine HERE.

A stone shelter about 1/2 mile west of the mine:

A preview of the technology of the time:

The mill from below:

To the loop trail beyond the mine:

A pipeline coming from the Ryan Ranch 3.5 miles to the north:

The Business end of the stamp mill:

Engines that ran the machinery:

The square hole in the foreground is the mouth of the 500 foot deep main shaft (the headframe rotted away some time ago):

The terminus of the pipeline at the main water tank (the return trail to the parking lot in the background):

The winch probably used to hoist the ore out of the main shaft:

A spot where persons who can only be described as morons have made a way through the protective fence:

Views of the south side of the stamp mill:

A sign inside the fence:

2014-05-04 - Night Ride Around Area on 3 Speed

Miles: 8.5
Start Time 9:04
Moving Time: 0:51:15
Avg Spd(M): 10.0
Max Spd(M): 17.4
Cad Avg:
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out:
Temp In: 83

Night ride. I dug out Nite Rider headlight. It is old school Halogen bulb with NiCad battery. It stayed up the entire ride. Between it and my AA powered LED light I had a good light patch.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

2014-05-03 - Around Area on 3 Speed

Miles: 8.2
Start Time 7:02
Moving Time: 0:48:55
Avg Spd(M): 10.1
Max Spd(M): 17.0
Cad Avg:
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out: 88
Temp In: 86

Around area on 3 speed. Brisk 10-15 W wind.

2014-05-02 - Around Area on 3 Speed

Miles: 8.2
Start Time 6:55
Moving Time: 0:49:10
Avg Spd(M): 10.0
Max Spd(M): 17.7
Cad Avg:
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out:
Temp In:

Around area on a nice evening.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

2014-05-01 - Around Park on 3 Speed

Miles: 3.3
Start Time 6:31
Moving Time: 0:21:29
Avg Spd(M): 9.3
Max Spd(M): 12.1
Cad Avg:
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out:
Temp In: 83

Short and sweet ride in the park. Ran scooter and Bill's truck after.