Miles: 5.3
Start Time 4:10
Moving Time: 2:04:42
Elevation(Ft): 843
Avg Spd(M): 23:43
Max Spd(M):
Cad Avg:
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out:
Temp In:
An interesting afternoon walk in JTNP. I set out to do the Lost Horse Mine Loop which includes 2 miles to the mine and then 4 miles beyond and around and back to the parking lot. I reached the mine about 5:15 with two hours of sunlight left. I walked to the saddle beyond the mine and noted that the part of the trail I could see was challenging and I did not want to put myself in a position to have to push it or get caught out in the dark so I elected to return to the mine for some poking around and photos. I will do the loop another time.
I usually over pack for a day hike, lighter, flashlight, etc., but had nothing with me but my phone, wallet and keys and two liters of very bad tasting water. I had dug out my hydration pack and filled it but did not taste it before I left the house and discovered at the parking lot that it was very bad, perhaps fit only for emergency use. Apparently I had put the hydration bladder away wet and something went very wrong inside. It is soaking in denture cleaner, the prescribed fix, now.
After some exploration and photography I left the stamp mill at 5:55 and got back to the car at 6:30 with plenty of time to spare.
The mine is very interesting. It was worked from 1893 until 1936 and the stamp mill is in very good condition. You can read a thorough description and history of the mine HERE.
A stone shelter about 1/2 mile west of the mine:
A preview of the technology of the time:
The mill from below:
To the loop trail beyond the mine:
A pipeline coming from the Ryan Ranch 3.5 miles to the north:
The Business end of the stamp mill:
Engines that ran the machinery:
The square hole in the foreground is the mouth of the 500 foot deep main shaft (the headframe rotted away some time ago):
The terminus of the pipeline at the main water tank (the return trail to the parking lot in the background):
The winch probably used to hoist the ore out of the main shaft:
A spot where persons who can only be described as morons have made a way through the protective fence:
Views of the south side of the stamp mill:
A sign inside the fence:
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