Friday, February 22, 2013

2-22-2013 - Airport Loop on Dahon

Miles: 24.2
Time: 2:15:27
Elevation: 518
Average Speed: 10.7
Max Speed: 27.2

Cold N wind. Tour bike and Dahon are just different enough seating wise to raise heck with my legs and knee. I was in about 16 miles before my legs loosened up and my knee stopped hurting. Sunny day around 60 degrees.

Monday, February 18, 2013

02-18-2013 - Test Ride on Tour Bike with 50 LB Load

Miles: 25.6
Time: 2:51:07
Elevation: 538
Average Speed: 9.0
Max Speed: 22.5

In the Boonies with 50 Pounds of Luggage on Board

Beautiful afternoon for a ride in spite of the 5-10 E to S to SE wind. The bike performed well. After a few hundred yards the load on the front is hardly noticeable. After you accept the fact that you are going to travel between 6 and 10 MPH a good part of the time riding a rig like this becomes a real joy, especially on a nice warm day. This is not a setup for people on a tight schedule with places to go and things to do and see in a hurry.

The Dyno Hub/Biologic Recharge Unit and Battery/Phone setup worked pretty well on this ride. I left home with the battery full, the phone at 94% and plugged into the battery and Strava running with the screen off. When I got home the phone was still at 91% and the battery shows a full charge.

I received my Opteka Thin Solar Charger this morning. It can be charged via USB or solar power. I had it on the USB charger until I left for the ride. It did not reach a fully charged state even though the LED's said it was full. I tethered it to the bike and every time I looked at it is was charging. When I got home I put it back on USB and it topped out in about 30 minutes. I am attempting to top off the phone with it now. I will report later on the results. I need to devise a way to hold it on the bike in a fully exposed position.

Hopefully between the Biologic setup and the solar unit I will be able to run Strava as far as I go.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

02-16-2013 - Airport Loop on Dahon

Miles: 25.0
Time: 2:22:24
Elevation: 484
Average Speed: 10.6
Max Speed: 26.1

Cloudy Day. NE pointing Wind Sock

Pleasant afternoon ride on Dahon. Lots of time to think about upcoming tour and make decisions about gear and packing.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

02-14-2013 - Airport Loop on Dahon

Miles: 27.1
Time: 2:34:21
Elevation: 620
Average Speed: 10.5
Max Speed: 24.5

At The Airport, N pointing Wind Sock Barely Visible

Pleasant ride on Dahon Folder. High 60's, 5-10 N wind. I explored a couple of places in town I had not been before.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

2013-02-12 - Airport Lopp om Dahon

Miles: 24.5
Time: 2:21:02
Elevation: 409
Average Speed: 10.4
Max Speed: 24.1

Decent ride on Dahon Folder. A chilly high 50's sunny afternoon with mild NW breeze.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

02-07-2013 - Airport Loop on Touring Bike, New Schwalbys

Miles: 20.1
Time: 1:54:29
Elevation: 447
Average Speed: 10.5
Max Speed: 21.5

Airport Loop on touring bike with new Schwalby Marathon Plus tires. Nice afternoon with a brisk wind. It got chilly near the end of the ride.

The tires came this morning. in spite of what I read in online reviews they were not hard to mount at all. I have 22mm touring rims from Harris/Sheldon brown and the tires are 700 x 35. Smaller sizes and narrower rims may be a different story.

The tires are heavy, stiff and solid. They have a good reflective sidewall strips. The replaced a pair of Kenda "semi-slicks". The rear Kenda is almost dead after less than 1k miles, about 470 with a 35-40 pound touring load. The front is still good enough that I will take it on tour as a spare/backup. On the bike the Marathons give a harsher ride but the roll feels better. I am pleased.

The bike is ready to tour. I got it naked except for the tire pump and it weighed 38.0 pounds. I think I have everything I need to go except for a few food items. Perhaps tomorrow I will get out everything on my list and see if it will all fit on the bike and how to best pack it.

Monday, February 4, 2013

02-04-2102 - Airport/Town Loop on Tour Bike

Miles: 33.4
Time: 2:52:04
Elevation: 849
Average Speed: 11.7
Max Speed: 27.3.

Airport Loop on touring bike. Beautiful warm afternoon with a mild West breeze.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

02-02-2013 - Another Afternoon on Dahon

Miles: 31.1
Time: 2:48:51
Elevation: 812
Average Speed: 11.1
Max Speed: 33.2

The usual ride to the airport and back to Park HQ with a short jaunt up the hill then home via Rite-Aid.

I am still conflicted about which bike to take on tour but I am leaning more towards the touring bike all the time. The Dahon would be fun and would work well but it is innately slower and lacks ideal gearing. I am pretty sure I will use the Nashbar for this trip then in the future buy a trailer and take some local rides on the Dahon. Of course I may feel differently tomorrow.