Saturday, June 8, 2013

2013-06-08 - Airport Loop on Road Bike

Miles: 22.7
Start Time: 9:30
Moving Time: 2:13:51
Elevation: 412
Average Speed: 10.2
Max Speed: 27.5
Temp Out: 100
Temp In: 106

A very warm ride around airport loop. I was not going to stop at the airport but decided I needed to get into the shade a few minutes. 100 octane AV gas was going for $5.60. It was 106 there:

I drank the remainder of my liquid supply and sat a few minutes and felt better. I forgot my prostate med last night and took it this AM along with my regular BP medication. The prostate stuff also acts to lower BP. I have taken them both in the morning before but have not followed with a bike ride in the heat a few hours later. I want to think this was part of my problem today.

The wind was all over the map. NE when I was on the east bound leg then S to SE when I was going south then S to SW when I headed home going west. I finally got a decent tailwind on the 2 northbound miles on Utah Trail.

My anemometer in its new location is showing wind speed of 10 MPH now. It is almost a due south wind.

I put one of my touring bike mirrors on the road bike. It is not as aerodynamic or sexy as the ovoid type sold as "Road Bike" mirrors but it certainly gives a much better view to the rear.

The happy biker in his new contacts and regular, if geeky, polarized sunglasses (I have a cooler pair on the way):

Miscellaneous airport stuff:

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