Wednesday, April 30, 2014

2014-04-30 - Around Area on 3 Speed

Miles: 8.1
Start Time 7:17
Moving Time: 0:41:12
Avg Spd(M): 11.0
Max Spd(M): 15.9
Cad Avg:
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out: 75
Temp In: 72

Another easy and serene ride in park and on nearby streets.

2014-04-29 - Around Area on 3 Speed

Miles: 6.6
Start Time 7:05
Moving Time: 0:38:59
Avg Spd(M): 10.1
Max Spd(M): 14.1
Cad Avg:
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out:
Temp In:

Easy and serene ride in park and down the street.

Monday, April 28, 2014

2014-04-28- To Luckie Park on 3 Speed

Miles: 8.1
Start Time 7:14
Moving Time: 0:41:35
Avg Spd(M): 11.7
Max Spd(M): 22.1
Cad Avg:
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out: 76
Temp In: 72

Pleasant ride to Luckie Park.

I got rid of my $10.00 chair and footstool which I never used and cleaned up the floor and rearranged things a bit. The place is much more livable:

Sunday, April 27, 2014

2014-04-27 - Around Area on 3 Speed

Miles: 5.3
Start Time 7:32
Moving Time: 0:31:22
Avg Spd(M): 10.2
Max Spd(M): 17.2
Cad Avg:
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out: 68
Temp In: 65

Ride around area with N wind. Will this wind ever stop?

Friday, April 25, 2014

2014-04-25 - Around Park in Wind

Miles: 5.7
Start Time 7:06
Moving Time: 0:37:11
Avg Spd(M): 9.1
Max Spd(M): 21.3
Cad Avg:
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out: 73
Temp In: 71

Ride around park in stiff 15-25 SW wind. Had to use 1st gear going west most laps.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

2014-04-24 - Around Park on 3 Speed

Miles: 5.5
Start Time 7:11
Moving Time: 0:34:53
Avg Spd(M): 9.5
Max Spd(M): 13.6
Cad Avg:
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out: 85
Temp In: 81

Short ride around park to try to re-establish some sense of normalcy. I am still somewhat blown away by the car fiasco.

Yesterday I went to the Joshua Tree bike shop and paid $30 for 10 spokes and 10 nipples for the rear wheel of JJ's bike. Today I got some washers and spaced the wheel over to the drive side about 5 mm. It is a 130mm wheel in a 135mm dropout.

2014-04/05-21 - Car Trip to The Bay Area and Return

Miles: 1045 (per Google)

I called my friends Mike and Hilda on the weekend to see if it would work for them to have me return the bike Mike had loaned me several years ago and which I no longer ride and spend a night or two with them this week. Mike had told me their schedule several weeks ago but I had not recorded it. I knew they were going somewhere this month but I thought it was later. It turns out they were leaving Monday night, 4/21, to spend about 2 weeks in Vietnam. We tentatively agreed I would bring the bike up in May.

Sunday evening I started entertaining the idea of taking the bike up Monday as they were not leaving until 11:00 PM. I would spend a night in the cheapest accommodation I could find, go for a walk with my son Dan and drive home on Tuesday. About 9:00 Monday morning this seemed like a good plan so I started casting about for an inexpensive place to spend the night. I finally settled on the Hidden Villa Hostel in Los Altos Hills, $45.00, very reasonable for The Bay Area. I made a reservation even though I knew I would have to be there to check in by 8:00 PM. I thought I had plenty of time. I called Mike to tell him I was coming and got everything together and got on the road about 10:50.

After getting away and setting up the GPS and looking at the trip time it calculated I realized I would have to hustle all day to get to the hostel by 8:00. This seemed like a bad idea. By the time I decided it was a bad idea and to try to cancel the reservation I was out of phone range. To make a long story short I did not reach the hostel phone until almost 3:00 an was informed that I could cancel my reservation but would not receive a refund. I pressed on.

About 6:30 I was approaching Gilroy and could see I would make it by 8:00 with no problem. I was talking to Dan on the phone (hand free) as I was coming down Leavesley Road to get on Highway 101 for the final push to the hostel. A semi-truck with a large tractor on the trailer was going very slow in front of me and I pulled out to pass him. Just as I got up to his tractor I saw turn signals and realized he was turning left. I did my best to go to the left around him but my options were somewhat limited by the nature of the ditch before the driveway/dirt road he was pulling into and he got me with his front bumper per the photos above. Fortunately I had room to stop without doing any further damage. The guy told me he had his turn signal on but I do not believe him. At any rate it is his word against mine and I was on the phone which is hard to defend. I was tired and rattled an did not want to mess with it so we exchanged info and I left. My poor car is not pretty but it all still works so I guess I can pretend I live in Boston and NYC where 90% of the cars have worse damage than this. The truck got some paint on the front bumper.

I got to the hostel on time and checked in then took the bike to Mike's, got some food at the local Safeway, went back to the room and ate and went to bed between 10:00 and 11:00. Somewhere in this series of events I arranged with Dan to meet him at his home in the morning for a walk.

I did not sleep well and woke up at 4:00. My mind kept replaying the car mess and I could not sleep so I finally got up at about 5:00, packed up and started home. I was able to beat 95% of the rush hour traffic out of town and stopped at McDonald's about a mile from the scene of the fiasco at Leavesley and 101 for 2 large coffees to go and drove on. I stopped at McDonald's in Los Banos and got a bite to eat and some Cokes for the drive. I had decided to go home on Highway 99 rather than I-5 and to go through Porterville and through or over the Sierra to Kernville then home from there.

I had been several times on the road that goes from Highway 395 north of Ridgecrest through Kennedy Meadows and on to the Kern River about 20 miles north of Kernville but I had never taken the connector to Porterville. This turned out to be a very interesting ride. The highway (190) climbs steeply up the Tule River north then east then south-east to the top of The Great Western Divide at about 7200 feet. I was familiar with the GWD farther north in Kings Canyon and Sequoia NPs but this not realize it extends this far south but it does make sense as it is the western wall of the Kern Trench, a large N-S Gash in the middle of the Southern Sierra. The trench extends from Lake South America just over the south wall of Kings Canyon to Lake Isabella, a few miles south of Kernville, roughly 40 miles.

The highway follows the Great Western Divide for 10-12 miles then turns east and drops steeply down the Kern where the road to Kennedy Meadows and Highway 395 also meets the river (Sherman Pass the high point on the road to 395 is about 9,000 feet).

From Kernville I had the usual ride home over Walker Pas on Highway 178, Highway 14 to InyoKern and 395 then 395 to Kramer Junction, 58 to Barstow and 247 and 62 home from there.

Going up the Tule River

Looking Across The Kern Trench on the Way Down to the River

Impressive Falls on a Side Creek not far Above The Kern

Old and New Bridges Across the Kern

The Kern is Very Low and Placid This Year

A River Access Ramp for Rafters and Kayakers

A Very Low Lake Isabella

Walker Pass Campground - I Spent a Couple of Nights Sleeping Next to this Ramada on my Cot Last Spring While Waiting For Dan to Hike In

Expensive Gas at Kramer Junction/Boron

The Bicycle That Started it All (In the Foreground)

Sunday, April 20, 2014

2014-04-20 - Evening Ride to JTNP HQ on 3 Speed

Miles: 10.3
Start Time 6:47
Moving Time: 0:59:26
Elevation(Ft): 274
Avg Spd(M): 10.4br/> Max Spd(M): 26.8
Cad Avg:
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out: 85
Temp In: 81

Nice warm and breezy ride to JTNP HQ and around through town.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

2014-04-19 - To lucky Park on 3 Speed, no GPS Track


Miles: 7.42
Start Time 3:00
Moving Time: 0:46:03
Avg Spd(M): 9.6
Max Spd(M): 21.2
Cad Avg:
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out:
Temp In: 85


Miles: .9
Start Time 7:30
Moving Time: 0:9:43
Avg Spd(M): 5.5
Max Spd(M): 9.2
Cad Avg:
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out:
Temp In: 80

Went out to poke around and ended up doing the usual ride of late. Nice afternoon with a brisk NE or NW wind. The new pedals work well. They have better teeth on the platform side and hold my flip flops much more securely than my other pair.

Went out after dark to look around a bit and ended up visiting with Becky for about an hour. Beautiful evening.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

2014-04-17 - Late Evening Ride to Luckie Park on 3 Speed

Miles: 7.2
Start Time 6:59
Moving Time: 0:44:29
Elevation(Ft): 171
Avg Spd(M): 9.8
Max Spd(M): 19.9
Cad Avg:
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out:
Temp In: 80

Pleasant evening ride to Luckie Park in spite of brisk South wind.

I went to Home Depot this afternoon and found some 4mm x 16 mm black steel cap screws for the luggage rack legs. These replaced the hex head bolts I originally found locally. They do not look much different but are a bit more bicycle like.

New Cap Screw:

New Shimano Combination Pedals (clip-in on one side, platform on the other) compliments of Mark:

A Night Game:

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

2014-04-16 - To Luckie Park and Around on 3 Speed

Miles: 9.9
Start Time 6:48
Moving Time: 0:57:11
Elevation(Ft): 262
Avg Spd(M): 10.4
Max Spd(M): 23.9
Cad Avg:
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out: 80
Temp In: 85

Nice late evening ride to Luckie Park and round the area.

Yes, My Vest Really is Reflective:

29 Palms Junior High:

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

2014-04/-15 - Yep, Luckie Park Again

Miles: 8.1
Start Time 7:03
Moving Time: 0:45:56
Elevation(Ft): 179
Avg Spd(M): 10.6
Max Spd(M): 20.0
Cad Avg:
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out:
Temp In: 80

I got a good part of this ride in in twilight thanks to he steadily increasing day length.

Monday, April 14, 2014

2014-04-14 - Same Old Night Ride to Luckie Park on 3 Speed

Miles: 8.3
Start Time 7:02
Moving Time: 0:54:33
Elevation(Ft): 182
Avg Spd(M): 9.1
Max Spd(M): 21.5
Cad Avg:
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out:
Temp In: 73

Usual ride to park. Very pleasant and cool evening. Low average speed because I rode in circles and talked to a neighbor several minutes on way out of home park.

I filled the swamp cooler this morning and set it up on the thermostat. This was a cooler day than the last few but I decided I had had enough of 98 degree inside temps. I have the thermostat set to keep it around 80-82 inside which is about right for me. I read on a forum that sugar-free Kool-Aid is a good substance for deodorizing a cooler so I put some Hawaiian Punch in. I think it is working so far.

Lunar Eclipse and "Blood Moon" Tonight:

Sunday, April 13, 2014

2014-04-3 - Yet Another Night Ride to Luckie Park on 3 Speed

Miles: 8.0
Start Time 7:35
Moving Time: 0:48:11
Elevation(Ft): 145
Avg Spd(M): 10.3
Max Spd(M): 19.0
Cad Avg:
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out:
Temp In: 79

Pleasant night ride to Luckie Park.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

2014-04-12 - Another Night Ride to Luckie Park on 3 Speed

Miles: 8.3
Start Time 7:35
Moving Time: 0:48:11
Elevation(Ft): 145
Avg Spd(M): 10.3
Max Spd(M): 19.0
Cad Avg:
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out:
Temp In: 72

Lazy ride to Luckie Park in the Dark. Not much to report.

Friday, April 11, 2014

2014-04-11 - To Luckie Park in Dark on 3 Speed

Miles: 7.6
Start Time 7:12
Moving Time: 0:42:45
Elevation(Ft): 138
Avg Spd(M): 10.6
Max Spd(M): 18.6
Cad Avg:
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out: 82
Temp In: 80

Warm evening ride to Luckie Park mostly in dark. The high yesteray wa 94 and today 92. It has been around 100 inside both days. So far I am OK but I will fire up swamp cooler soon.

I am seriously considering taking the Ural back from my daughter. She has offered it several times. It might make sense especially with the sidecar removed.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

2014-04-10 - Airport Loop on Road Bike

Miles: 28.3
Start Time 12:52
Moving Time: 2:06:29
Elevation(Ft): 659
Avg Spd(M): 13.4
Max Spd(M): 32.7
Cad Avg: 64
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out: 90
Temp In: 93

First hot ride of the season. 90 when I left home and 95 at the airport. First ride on road bike since January 27. Even though the bike is 5 pounds heavier than the Vilano it feels much faster, mostly because of the 23 mm tires inflated to 130 PSI.

Cactus Blooming at JTNP HQ


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

2014-04-09 - To Luckie Park at Dusk on 3 Speed

Miles: 6.8
Start Time 7:00
Moving Time: 0:41:55
Elevation(Ft): 0
Avg Spd(M): 9.7
Max Spd(M): 14.5
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out: 85
Temp In: 82

Put on almost new tires my neighbor fished from the dumpster and gave me with the above bike. Removed shifters, derailleurs and rear brake. Bike is now a single speed with front brake only. Right crank arm and pedal were bent. Was able to straighten out the crank pretty well and put on another pedal. The bike will be fine for poking around park. I do not want to ride it much now because back wheel has 5 broken spokes and my weight could cause a cascade of more breaks. I will try to buy new spokes in Joshua Tree when I take my neighbor Bill back to his Assisted Living place on Friday.

Warm ride with strong West to SW wind. Weather is warming up. 91 inside now and still 82 outside at 8:15 PM.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

2014-04-08 - Around Area on 3 Speed in Dark

Miles: 5.2
Start Time 7:34
Moving Time: 0:32:07
Elevation(Ft): 0
Avg Spd(M): 9.8
Max Spd(M): 17.4
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out: 85
Temp In: 82

Warm ride around immediate area in dark.

Gave JJ $20.00 for his ratty blue & silver mountain bike. Gave Becky $20.00 for the nice white kids size Deore mountain bike she paid $.25 for at Chinese auction. I tried to give her $40 but she said she was happy with $20. A win/win.

Monday, April 7, 2014

2014-04-07 - Airport Loop on 3 Speed

Miles: 26.1
Start Time 1:11
Moving Time: 2:04:52
Elevation(Ft): 487
Avg Spd(M): 16.6
Max Spd(M): 23.5
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out: 80
Temp In: 85

Beautiful warm afternoon with modest breeze. North breeze most of the way except for the usual West wind coming back to town along the JTNP escarpment.

Saw neighbors John and Bonnie in parking lot at JTNP HQ. They report that the new "Indian" casino on Baseline is giving away free soda and coffee and has a burger combo for $5. I will have to check it out one of these days when I get ambitious enough to get cleaned up.

Second Bottle of Electrolyte Drink at Airport