Wednesday, July 31, 2013

2013-07-31 - Airport Loop on Tour Bike

Kilometers: 36.3
Start Time: 12:15
Moving Time: 2:19:17
Elevation(M): 125
Average Speed(KPH): 15.6
Max Speed(KPH): 49.0
Temp Out: 100
Temp In: 103

I do not seem to do well riding in the direct sun when the temperature is over 100 degrees and today's ride is a good example. I was too hot an somewhat miserable the entire distance. I also can just not seem to learn to enjoy riding into a headwind no matter how hard I try. Other than the heat and wind the ride was fine. The bike was flawless as usual. I need to go either earlier or later in the day. Later too often equates to more wind so I went at a bad time today. I slept late and decided to gamble that the heat would not be too bad and that I would miss the wind. I lost on both counts. Oh well.

The New Sandals in Action

I guess the Thermometer is not Stuck

Enough Wind to Blow the Bike Over

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

2013-07-30 - A Bus Trip

Kilometers: 80.0
Start Time: 11:20
End Time: 16:20
Temp Out: 95
Temp In: 99

I decided to use the local bus system operated by the Morongo Basin Transit Authority (MBTA)to get to the new Walmart Supercenter in Yucca Valley to see if it could be a practical alternative to driving. I have used the service to go between my home and Palm Springs several times but had never used it for local travel. This turned out to be an interesting experience but not one I may want to repeat too often, especially in summer.

The trip requires 2 bus rides, the first leaves a stop on Adobe Road about 3/4 of a mile from my front door at about 40 minutes after the hour and goes about 2 miles to the 29 Palms "Transit Center". The second leaves the Transit Center on the hour and travels to Yucca Valley via Highway 62 with a number of stops en route. After an aborted attempt at 9:30 I caught the 10:45 bus on Adobe and made the transfer and got to Walmart with no problem at about 11:40. I did my shopping, got a bad meal at the McDonald's in the store and still had about 20 minutes to wait for what I assumed would be the 1:10 bus back to 29 Palms. I got a so-so haircut at the hair salon in the store the walked out to the bus stop which is on the outer edge of the parking lot with a few minutes to spare.

The bus did not come as expected and after discussing the situation with several people I finally figured out that the east bound but does not stop at the store (nobody seemed able to tell me that directly). This meant I had to wait another 1/2 hour then ride the westbound bus into the Yucca Valley Transit center and then wait for the eastbound bus back to 29 Palms. This was a bit perplexing to say the least. I returned to the store to get out of the heat then caught the bus to Yucca Valley and was able to stay on it for the 10 minute wait before starting the return trip at 3:00.

We got to the 29 Palms Transit Center at about 3:45. It was warm out (at least 100 I found when I got home). The bus back to my original stop pulled in about 3:50. After everyone got off the driver shut the door in my face and left me standing around in the heat while he went over and had a BS session with other drivers under a tree. I suppose that is standard operating procedure but I found it somewhat annoying. We left the Transit Center at 4:00, I got off at about 4:05 and walked home in about 15 minutes.

At first I could not believe that the eastbound bus did not stop at such a major destination but after seeing how they had modified the route to accommodate the new Walmart location and considering the fact that the route between 29 Palms and Yucca Valley has to mesh with several other routes at both ends I understand why it is the way it is. I also noticed that one can walk about a block west from the Walmart stop and catch the eastbound bus at a stop on the highway at about 5 minutes after the hour. This gives 2 options for returning to 29 Palms which helps. If I had understood the situation I could easily have caught the 2:05 eastbound bus and been home an hour earlier. In my defense the published schedules only show a few of the more significant stops and I saw nothing on the web site to indicate there was anything unusual about the Walmart stop. In fact I did not know there is a stop at Walmart until I asked the driver. I half expected to be dumped out on the highway to walk some distance to the store. In hindsight I could have asked the driver if he stopped at the store on the return but it never occurred to me that he would not. The MBTA web site says service to the new Walmart will be initiated in the summer of 2013 but it does not indicate what the service will be or is.

In summary this in not the worst public transit experience I have had. The positives are that it cost $3.00 for a day pass as opposed to $5-10.00 (gas only, it is a $28.00 at the IRS car allowance rate) to drive and it is marginally better for the environment along with being an interesting adventure of sorts. The negatives are that it is a 4-5 hour trip, there is much more exposure to the weather, one is limited to buying what he/she can carry and it is probably not practical, at least in summer, to deal with cold or frozen items.

Monday, July 29, 2013

2013-07-29 - Airport Loop on Touring Bike

Kilometers: 42.8
Start Time: 10:25
Moving Time: 2:29:17
Elevation(M): 192
Average Speed(KPH): 17.2
Max Speed(KPH): 38.9
Temp Out: 91
Temp In: 95

Great ride on a warm morning! This bike has not moved since I brought it home from Del Rio, TX, in a rental car in March. I finally tightened up the stem, put on a seat, inflated the tires and took it out. It is a great bike to ride! Not as fleet as a road bike but very comfortable and smooth with excellent mountain bike gearing and shifting. Riding it makes one want to do a tour. I plan to as soon as the temperatures drop to a reasonable levels in mid-September.

Same as Friday. Maybe the Thermometer is Stuck at 98?

Friday, July 26, 2013

2013-07-26 - Airport Loop on a Warm and Cloudy Morning

Kilometers: 36.1
Start Time: 10:20
Moving Time: 1:48:40
Elevation(M): 126
Average Speed(KPH): 19.9
Max Speed(KPH): 38.9
Temp Out: 91
Temp In: 95

This is my first ride on this loop since June 12. My goal today was to survive the ride with minimal trauma in hopes that I will do it again in 2 days. I did survive and time will tell about the level of trauma. I took it easy and I feel OK for now.

This day was unusual in that there was almost no air movement at all until I encountered a very light east breeze on Amboy Road almost out to Goodwin Road. It was very obvious once I turned onto Highway 62 going west. It got very quiet and much warmer. The only sounds were the bike noise, my pores squeezing out sweat and me sobbing quietly.

Turning the cleat on my left sandal seems to have mostly eliminated the problem I was having with that foot, a sore spot/blister on the outside bottom of the ball. The only issue with the sandals now is the normal hot spots one gets especially on warm days and they are much less a problem in sandals than in any shoes I have used.

The insulated water bottle has been working well. I leave the house with Heed or Fizz in it and and take a frozen bottle conventional bottle as backup. By the time the drink mix is gone the other bottle is thawed enough to start drinking from.

Below is a photo of the cheap stand I got to hold the road bike upright in the house. It is a big improvement over leaning the bike on the other bikes which leads to minor disasters from time to time (the other two bikes in the pictures have kickstands as uncool as that may be).

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

2013-07-24 - Pinto Mt. Loop

Kilometers: 23.0
Start Time: 07:35
Moving Time: 1:12:33
Elevation(M): 49
Average Speed(KPH): 19.0
Max Speed(KPH): 47.9
Temp Out: 85
Temp In: 90

Nice outward leg with good tailwind. Almost hit 50 KPH on slope near east end of loop. A serious drudge coming back. 10-15 KPH much of the way. Enough wind in ears to block sound of cars coming from behind. Fortunately traffic was light. New sandals are tearing up my left foot a bit. I will try turning cleat to get a straighter line on pedal.

One of Many Homes in Area Vandalized for Copper

Monday, July 22, 2013

2013-07-22 - Pinto Mt. Loop

Kilometers: 23.3
Start Time: 09:00
Moving Time: 1:18:56
Elevation(M): 49
Average Speed(KPH): 17.7
Max Speed(KPH): 46.4
Temp Out: 80
Temp In: 85

A relatively cool ride but with a pretty stiff East breeze. It was a bit of a drudge going out but not bad coming back. The sun was hidden behind scattered clouds much of the time which was a good thing. The humidity is pretty high for this area, 52%, but the temp is 20+ degrees below normal so I will take it. There were some debris on the road here and there from yesterdays rain but nothing like the mess on Pinto Mt. Road last summer and fall when sand several inches deep covered the road for several hundred yards.

The first serious ride with the new sandals which I got at the Santa Monica REI on the 15th on the way to LAX to pick up the kids. Only the Santa Monica and Tustin stores carry these puppies in the LA Basin and I did not want to buy without trying them on. They are a size smaller (12 vs. 13) but much wider than the previous pair which are exceptionally narrow. Because they are shorter will require a bit of adaptation as my foot hits the pedals in a slightly different place. I do not think it will be a problem. I like the color better too, green and orange instead of black with a few yellow accents. I paid less for the previous pair online and by the time I figured out they were not the best fit the guy would not take them back. They have worked reasonably well and I have put several thousand miles on them but the new pair is a much better fit and will look and work better off the bike too. I originally bought sandals to tour in but they are so much cooler and comfortable I wear them on all my bikes now.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

2013-07-14 - Around PV Peninsula with Coffee Stop

Kilometers: 43.0
Start Time: 14.20
Moving Time: 2:54:10
Elevation(M): 675
Average Speed(KPH): 14.8
Max Speed(KPH): 54.0
Temp Out: 80
Temp In: 80

Trump National Golf Course from Above

A nice ride around the peninsula on a warm day. I had a good cup of decaf latte and a chocolate muffin about 1/2 way around in Redondo Beach. I was passed by several fast young guys. Too much Tour de France? I will go back to 29 Palms tomorrow night after I fetch the kids from LAX. The "warm" 80-90 degree days here will look like kid stuff. I have had a pleasant 2 1/2 weeks here. It was a good respite from the 100+ temps at home.

Towards Santa Catalina with Two Peaks Barely Visible Above the Marine Layer

To the SE, San Pedro Harbor Entrance Around the Corner

Thursday, July 11, 2013

2013-07-11 - Herondo Street to Marina Del Rey and Return

Kilometers: 32.8
Start Time: 13.15
Moving Time: 1:36:35
Elevation(M): 28
Average Speed(KPH): 20.4
Max Speed(KPH): 32.0
Temp Out: 75
Temp In: 75

After being off the bike for 2 weeks I was not sure what to expect but this ride went very well. It is almost flat and there was no significant wind factor in either direction and it was overcast and pleasantly cool. Unfortunately I forgot to take any photos.

This is my first metric ride. After my cousin Bill mentioned the fact that the Imperial system contributes to many measurement errors I did a bit of research and decided to switch myself to metric where I can do so without causing too much disruption in my life. After all we are one of only 3 countries in the world still not on the metric system and the other two probably do not have indoor plumbing (cell phones, Hi-Def TV and I-Pods but no toilets or TP). Bicycle and car travel are two areas where I can use metric units without causing myself much grief. I switched my Strava account to Metric and converted my tracking spreadsheet to metric and will soon change my bike computer to use and display metric units along with the GPS app I use in the car. When I get home I will switch my other bike computers and that will be it. Now the trick is to learn to think metric. It is now @3200 KM to my buddies house in Florida instead of 2000 miles. It is 40 KM to Walmart from my home instead of 25 miles. Same trips but different numbers.