Monday, July 22, 2013

2013-07-22 - Pinto Mt. Loop

Kilometers: 23.3
Start Time: 09:00
Moving Time: 1:18:56
Elevation(M): 49
Average Speed(KPH): 17.7
Max Speed(KPH): 46.4
Temp Out: 80
Temp In: 85

A relatively cool ride but with a pretty stiff East breeze. It was a bit of a drudge going out but not bad coming back. The sun was hidden behind scattered clouds much of the time which was a good thing. The humidity is pretty high for this area, 52%, but the temp is 20+ degrees below normal so I will take it. There were some debris on the road here and there from yesterdays rain but nothing like the mess on Pinto Mt. Road last summer and fall when sand several inches deep covered the road for several hundred yards.

The first serious ride with the new sandals which I got at the Santa Monica REI on the 15th on the way to LAX to pick up the kids. Only the Santa Monica and Tustin stores carry these puppies in the LA Basin and I did not want to buy without trying them on. They are a size smaller (12 vs. 13) but much wider than the previous pair which are exceptionally narrow. Because they are shorter will require a bit of adaptation as my foot hits the pedals in a slightly different place. I do not think it will be a problem. I like the color better too, green and orange instead of black with a few yellow accents. I paid less for the previous pair online and by the time I figured out they were not the best fit the guy would not take them back. They have worked reasonably well and I have put several thousand miles on them but the new pair is a much better fit and will look and work better off the bike too. I originally bought sandals to tour in but they are so much cooler and comfortable I wear them on all my bikes now.

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