Saturday, March 14, 2015

2015-03-14 - Airport Loop, Short Version


Bike: Nashbar Carbon 105
Miles: 22.4
Start Time 4:24
Moving Time: 1:37:12
Elevation: 410
Avg Spd: 13.8
Max Spd: 25.5
Temp Out: 83
Temp In: 76

A late afternoon ride to the airport and home via Utah Trail. I got to use my new Chinese head/bicycle light in flashing mode for the last 4-5 miles of twilight. It appears to do the job. I have yet to give it a real test in the dark. I did purchase two sets of rechargeable batteries to use with it, one set is in the light and the other in the seat bag for backup. It is not fun to be caught out in the dark with dead batteries.

As I was preparing to leave my airport photo and drink stop two bikers went by on the highway which is a very rare sight. Although they did not appear to be going fast I did not catch them. About a mile before I got to Utah Trail I was overtaken by a cyclist who was being escorted by a slow moving car with a rack of flashing red lights on the roof. I have to wonder if the two guys who were ahead of me leaving the airport pulled off somewhere and waited for their escort as it was rapidly getting darker. I checked the Internet but can find no organized rides or races to account for bikers on Highway 62. It will remain a mystery. I had enough of an easterly breeze coming back into town that I was able to hold 21 MPH from the Utah/62 junction to the end of the ride, 2 1/2 miles.

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