Saturday, August 10, 2013

2013-08-10 - Airport Loop on Road Bike

Kilometers: 36.5
Start Time: 11:25
Moving Time: 2:00:15
Elevation(M): 126
Avg Speed(KPH): 18.2
Max Speed(KPH): 45.4
Avg Cadence: 70
Avg HR: 108
Max HR: 128
Temp Out: 87
Temp In: 95

Nice day. East Wind. TWC said it would be 9. My estimate is 5-10 MPH (8-16 KPH). It was pretty consistent all the way around. I did not feel energetic today and the heat bothered me some in spite of sunscreen. I did not sleep well last night. Dozed off about 1:00, got up at 3:00, back to bed at 6:00, up at 10:00. Ugh!

I hit something right at intersection at SE corner of Lucky Park and the front either went flat or was going there and I had not noticed. I thought it was a blowout but found only a thorn sticking through tire and liner. I have used 2 1/2 rear tires while running this one. Probably time to change. I have a spare on hand. I am down to my last spare tube. Sadly I have to have long valve tubes for the deep wheels which means no dirt cheap generic tubes. The silver lining was that I had a nice picnic table in the shade to change the tube on.

The glider concession was active at the airport today.

Edit: I forgot to mention that my right arm ached from the shoulder through the wrist and hand for the first 14 miles. I fear I am creeping closer to Carpel Tunnel trouble due to 9 1/2 years of excessive mouse use. I need to find a way to back off a bit. Maybe use the tablet more.

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