Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Airport Loop on Road Bike w/New HRM

Kilometers: 36.0
Start Time: 18:30
Moving Time: 1:50:38
Elevation(M): 125
Avg Speed(KPH): 19.5
Max Speed(KPH): 42.1
Avg Cadence: 71
Avg HR: 108
Max HR: 132
Temp Out: 95
Temp In: 91

I ordered an inexpensive Timex Heart Rate Monitor a few days ago and it came this afternoon. I picked a "used" one from Amazon and it came looking new in an unopened box. This is probably because this is not the "Personal HRM" Mentioned on the Timex web site, it lacks the timer and stop watch functions, and when the original purchaser saw what it was he probably sent it directly back. My gain as I got it for $25 instead of $44 for a "new" one and it has all the functionality I need and appears to work well. I went in another $12 and got a bike mount for it. Other than the price a real advantage of this one is that since it is not tied to a bike computer I can use it on all my bikes and for any other training I happen to do. Ideally I would have a Bluetooth version that would talk to the Strava bicycle app I run on my phone but that is an $85 investment which I am not prepared to make at this time.

The wind was consistently SW on this ride and I would guess between 5-10 MPH all the way around. This gave me a nice run east and north but a rather nasty go south and west. I actually prefer a westerly wind (if it has to be windy) as it gives me a boost early in the ride when I am not warmed up. By the time I get to the hard part, coming back to the west into the wind I am pretty well steamed up and ready and able to grind it out upslope and all.

I left a bit late and the sun went down about the time I got to the airport with 8 miles to go. I got almost back to town before it was really dark.

A first: I passed a sidewinder basking on the shoulder on Highway 62 about a mile east of Utah Trail. I was running my small battery operated light on strobe. It was dark enough that I did not see him/her until my font wheel was just about on him/her. Fortunately he/she was on the traffic side of the fog line and I was on the shoulder side so I did not hit it although I did go by at 6-8", a bit close. He/she did hiss and rattle but by the time she got her wits together enough to do so I was far enough past to not be concerned. I have often wondered how such an encounter would go in the dark, especially if the snake was directly in my path. I always wonder if they could strike me while under my wheels. I am not anxious to find out more than I learned this evening. I think I will take a better light the next time I go out late.

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