Wednesday, August 14, 2013

2013-08-14- Airport loop on Road Bike

Kilometers: 44.1
Start Time: 09:10
Moving Time: 2:09:00
Elevation(M): 202
Avg Speed(KPH): 20.5
Max Speed(KPH): 57.2
Avg Cadence: 70
Avg HR: 112
Max HR: 140
Temp Out: 85
Temp In: 97

A decent morning ride. Very light N to NE breeze. Reasonable temps. What a difference physically from the ride Monday evening though. Monday I had my heart in the target zone inside of the first Km. Today it took 2 KM and 5-6 Km before I was able to comfortably hold it there. I am definitely a evening/night person. My oldest daughter tells me, "We all are!" and it seems true. Once I got going today it was not bad but I just did not have the moxie I had Monday. Of course I could be hungover from the pint of Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Peppermint Crunch I ate yesterday afternoon.

HRM: I am impressed with how rapidly my heart function is improving in the few rides I have taken with the new HRM. The first couple of rides it was a chore to get to and hold 70% now 70 is no problem and I am often in the 80% range. Today I even went over into the 90% on two short hills. I am not sure what my "real" maximum heart rate is. I played with the tests given in the manual that came with the HRM and it seems to indicates numbers that are way beyond what my old ticker will do, 160-175 BPM. For now I am using the famous 220 minus one's age formula which conveniently gives me a max of 150. This gives: 70%=105, 80%=120 and 90%=135. Easy math. I have the HRM set to alarm below 105 and above 135. If I keep improving at the current rate I will have to bump the 135 up to 150. My buddy Doug routinely does rides at 165-185 BPM. He is 25 years younger than I and much more of an athlete. Supposedly the 70 to 80% range promotes fat metabolism and 80% aerobic condition. At the rate I am improving it will not be long before it will not be easy to stay below 80%.

Edit: I forgot to mention that I tried to do a sprint for the first time today. I was on Valley Vista on a mildly downhill stretch. I don't know if I had a tailwind but at least there was no headwind. I planned to try 30 seconds of all out effort in lieu of Lance's recommended 1 minute. I cranked it up and found I was on the wrong chain ring. When I tried to shift up I over shifted and the chain came off the outside of the big ring. That ended that. I stopped and put it back on and tried again. I held it for about 25 seconds. I did not register the speed or HR but I was huffing and puffing at the end. I will try more of this. I am out to improve my condition for touring and to lose some lard. So far so good.

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