Thursday, January 30, 2014

2014-01-30 - Night Walk Around Area

Miles: 2.1
Start Time 9:13
Moving Time: 0:40:45
Elevation(Ft): 0
Avg Speed(MPH): 19:49
Max Speed(MPH):
Avg Cadence:
Avg HR:
Max HR:
Temp Out: 55
Temp In: 55

Walk around golf course loop on a pleasant 55 degree night. I did this to burn a few calories so I can have some dinner. I had only a few over 100 left after my 1100 calorie lunch. I have about 350 in the bank now.

Interesting day. I started the morning conversing with a Harley guy, Jesse, from Baton Rouge, LA, who is on a mid-life crisis wander of some sort. He camped in the space next to me 2 nights and left for Phoenix this AM. He is a cool guy and I really liked him. While we were talking Diane from across the street came through with her dogs. She had some cancer removed and is in chemotherapy. I asked her how she was feeling and one thing led to another and she volunteered she had lost her hair and it hurt. I had no idea it would come out in a mater of a day or two or that it would hurt. Then Jess volunteered that his wife had been fighting cancer for the last 3 years and they had a good discussion about it. I think it was some neat serendipity that he showed up to tell Diane that people recover and survive just fine. Sometimes one really has to wonder if there is more going on than meets the eye.

After Jess left I went over to talk to Bill, the guy I have been helping some who is in Assisted Living in Yucca Valley and came here by bus for a 2 day test stay. He was set to take the bus home. I told him I was going to take his new new refrigerator and microwave the park people gave him to his AL place and that he could ride with me. I called and canceled his Dial-A-Ride pick up and loaded up his stuff and took him to Walmart then on to his AL place. I set up his appliances and the new universal remote we got for his antique TV. We had purchased enough cable and a splitter to feed his portable TV/DVD player he keeps by his bed but I was not thinking and did not get a cable to go between the existing splitter which splits between the TV and computer and the new splitter which will service the 2 TVs. Also the antique dirt filled keyboard we took from his shed would not work with his laptop.

I got out one of my old keyboards and a cable this evening and will take them by when I go to LA this weekend to deliver the project bicycles. I came home and did some email and had a big lunch then took a nap until 6:15. I am good to go now hence my late evening walk. Bill needs a 4.5 volt A/C adapter to supply his wireless TV headphones. Walmart was out and I cannot find the one I thought I had here. I think I left it at my girlfriends when we split. Oh well. I will get one in LA.

Life is good!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

2014-01-29 - Bike mechanics 101 - Part III

I spent some time trying to get the front derailleur of the mountain bike to shift to the big ring. I had no luck until I noticed that I had not pulled the drive side crank arm all the way on. I thought I was finished with the old style square tapered cranks but here we are. They are a pain to work with. They have to be pulled off with a special tool and it is hard to get them seated when installing and if they are not all the way on the resulting free play can ruin the crank hole. After I tightened the crank I was able to adjust the shifting with no problem. I gave it a couple of test rides today and it shifts well and is ready to go:

I re-cabled the road bike brakes several days ago and removed the crank and old bearings. The crank bearing set came this afternoon. I removed the bearing cups from the bottom bracket shell which was much easier than expected and took the drive side bearing race off the crank which also was much easier than expected thanks to copious Liquid Wrench. I washed the pound of dirt out of the bottom bracket shell and cleaned up the crank and rings and am ready to install the new bearing set and crank:

Old and new cups and bearings (just a touch of rust):

Crank installed:

Chain cut to length and installed (note the reflective sidewalls on my touring bike tires in the background):

Derailleurs cabled and first test ride completed:

I will spend some time tomorrow attempting to adjust the shifting. I expect it to be difficult as there are no adjusters on the shifters or derailleurs (I think). Modern bikes have screw adjusters at both ends. Since this bike has no cable stops the cable housings run end to end and are secured to the frame with zip ties. I saw this on a similar bike on a web site. The crank feels good and if I can make it shift well it will be an adequate bike. This bike would probably be a better single speed but I decided not to do that because the kids live in a hilly area and a selection of gears will be useful.

A new project bike pulled from the trash enclosure today. This may become my knock around bike. The one I can leave out without fear of it being stolen. Thanks to my neighbor JJ for telling me it was there. It needs quite a bit of work and is very heavy but will be fine for putting around the park, going to the mail box, etc. :

2014-01-29 - Around Park on Mt. Bike

Miles: 5.7
Start Time 4:42
Moving Time: 0:41:53
Elevation(Ft): 0
Avg Speed(MPH): 8.2
Max Speed(MPH): 15.9
Avg Cadence:
Avg HR:
Max HR:
Temp Out: 75
Temp In: 75

Evening ride around park. It got up to 77 today. Nice!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

2014-01-28 - Around Park on Mt. Bike

Miles: 4.3
Start Time 4:58
Moving Time: 0:32:56
Elevation(Ft): 0
Avg Speed(MPH): 7.9
Max Speed(MPH): 11.4
Avg Cadence:
Avg HR:
Max HR:
Temp Out: 68
Temp In: 68

Poke around park on a nice warm evening. 211 calories used. More food!

Monday, January 27, 2014

2014-01-27 - Baseline + Mesquite Springs Loop on Road Bike

Miles: 11.5
Start Time 12:20
Moving Time: 1:03:15
Elevation(Ft): 418
Avg Speed(MPH): 10.9
Max Speed(MPH): 30.6
Avg Cadence: 68
Avg HR: 104
Max HR: 127
Temp Out: 70
Temp In: 70

I was not so anxious to do this ride but I had a 900 calorie breakfast of potatoes and onion fried in olive oil, eggs and toast at 5:00 AM. I must keep the furnace going and burn off some calories so I can toss in some more coal, i.e. dinner. I went to sleep about midnight and got up at 3:00. I went back to bed at 6:30 and slept until 9:00. Not the best sleep pattern. I am also still a bit tired from the 25 mile ride Saturday, my first of that distance since August. Anyway, it was a lovely afternoon to ride, 70 degrees with a 5+ MPH N to NW wind. It helped going up to Baseline but was mostly a hindrance after that. According to my calorie tracking app I got rid of 625 calories so it was worth the effort. I now have enough in the bank (1400) to have a protein smoothie and some dinner.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

2014-01-26 - Around Park on Mt Bike

Miles: 4.5
Start Time 3:58
Moving Time: 0:33:33
Elevation(Ft): o
Avg Speed(MPH): 8.0
Max Speed(MPH): 12.3
Avg Cadence:
Avg HR:
Max HR:
Temp Out: 68
Temp In: 68

Poke around park on mountain bike to burn a few calories so I can have a decent dinner and still stay within my daily allocation. Warm but clouded over afternoon.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

2014-01-25 - Airport Loop on Road Bike

Miles: 25.3
Start Time: 12:48
Moving Time: 2:04:12
Elevation(Ft): 526
Avg Speed(MPH): 12.2
Max Speed(MPH): 25.3
Avg Cadence: 70
Avg HR: 103
Max HR: 127
Temp Out: 68
Temp In: 68

Beautiful warm partially sunny afternoon with a very mild N to NW breeze. This is thee first time I have done this route and distance since last August. It went well. My right knee bothers me a bit. I probably have put too much load on it too soon. It is interesting that my "diet" app tells me I burned almost as many calories on the ride (1237) as I have consumed since 3:00 AM including the protein and fruit smoothie I am having now (1274). I still have 1723 of the day's allocation available if I chose to consume them. I could go out and get a greasy burger but probably will not. I plan to make a crock pot of vegetable barley soup for and have some of it for dinner although I reserve the right to change my mind later. .

The airport:

Park HQ:

2014-01-24 - Baseline nd Mesquite Springs on Road Bike

Miles: 12.6
Start Time: 10:07
Moving Time: 1:01:57:49
Elevation(Ft): 426
Avg Speed(MPH): 12.2
Max Speed(MPH): 32.7
Avg Cadence: 70
Avg HR: N/A
Max HR: N/A
Temp Out: 56
Temp In: 61

I am writing this on 1/25 because the Wifi was down most of the time I was home yesterday. Yesterday was a cloudy and cool morning with almost no breeze. I decided to start flying my farm triangle. I saw one on a bike a couple of weeks ago and thought it was a good idea. I came across mine and put it on. I used it on tour so why not use it in town? Some might think it a bit much but I do not think there is ever too much when it comes to being seen. The potential down side is that it could annoy some people and provoke them to do stupid things but I think (hope) it is worth that small risk to get the extra visibility.

Two days ago I read an article in the NY Times about "diet" apps. I put "My Fitness Pal" (free) on my phone. The user enters personal stats and selects a weight loss goal and the app calculates the required daily calorie intake to reach the goal in 5 weeks. It may get old in time but it is an interesting exercise for now. You basically enter the foods you eat at each meal along with snacks and also tell it how much of which exercise you did and it gives a daily total and tells you how you are doing with respect to the goal weight loss. It has a feature which uses the phone camera to scan bar codes on food packages which makes the data entry part more interesting plus it builds a data base of foods frequently used which will make it easier and easier to use over time. I am not interested in "dieting" per se but I can use this thing to make me more mindful of what I eat and how much.

A good "for instance" is that I woke up in the middle of the night last night and got up. Around 3-4:00 I decided to have Ramen noodles. I got out the usual 2 packs and scanned them. I was surprised to find that two packs equal 760 calories about 250 of which is fat. I cooked and ate them anyway but next time I will see if one pack will work. I also had 4 ounces each of yogurt and applesauce, total 920 calories or over half of my daily allocation of 1760. What I have found after 2 days is that on the day I rode I could eat about what satisfied me and meet the calorie goal but on the off day I went over. I may have to start riding or walking more days or go back to 25 mile, 2 hour rides. The good news is that I am not hungry now at 10:30 AM So I might make it through the day within the 1760 limit, especially if I take a ride or walk.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

2014-01-23 - Bike mechanics 101 - Part II

This one is in pretty good shape. After finding a Youtube video about how to take the shifters apart and soaking them in degreaser for a couple of days and cleaning and oiling them they started working again which saves $50. I put in a modern sealed bottom bracket which will probably outlast the bike and new pedals. I need to mess with the shifting adjustment a bit more but otherwise it seems OK to go. The bottom bracket kit for the other bike will not arrive until next week. In the meantime I will do the cables.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

2014-01-22 - Baseline Loop on Road Bike

Miles: 9.5
Start Time: 2:33
Moving Time: 0:51:49
Elevation(Ft): 309
Avg Speed(MPH): 11.0
Max Speed(MPH): 26.2
Avg Cadence: 66
Avg HR: N/A
Max HR: N/A
Temp Out: 73
Temp In: 6872r/>

A very nice warm afternoon with very mild N breeze. Some days the climb from here to Baseline feels good. Today it did not. I think it is a hangover from being in the Agua Caliente Casino in Palm Desert for 15 minutes yesterday. I went in to find my friend Bill and get him out to go back to his assisted living place in Yucca Valley. The place was full of smoke. When I smell and feel that now I cannot believe I ever smoked let alone for 25 years. I am lucky to be alive.

In the pic you can see my new Axiom trunk bag I purchased with some of my birthday money. I doubt that I will use it locally but it will be very handy on longer rides especially in warm weather when I need to carry more liquid. The main compartment is insulated and the side pockets unfold into small panniers (see pic below), I wore my new $26 Schwinn helmet I found for $11.54 at Sears in PD yesterday. The old one was not so bad but the white plastic is yellowed from the sun and one has to wonder if it has lost any strength. For $11.54 it is worth it to have a fresh one especially since I read of a study that found that cheap helmets are just as good as $150 one in crash protection.

Old head new helmet. The happy biker:

Monday, January 20, 2014

2014-01-20 - Poking Around Park on Mt Bike and Bike Mechanics 101

Miles 3.5
Start Time: 11:00
Moving Time:
Avg Speed(MPH):
Max Speed(MPH):
Avg Cadence:
Avg HR:
Max HR:
Temp Out: 73
Temp In: 73

Such a beautiful day I had to go out and play around. I did a few laps around the park once in the morning and again in the late afternoon.

I have been giving one of my neighbors a bit of help getting situated after he suffed a stroke. He gave me two old bikes which had been given to him and have been sitting in the sun here for several years. I wanted them to refurbish for my 2 grandsons who live in the LA area. I purchased tires, tubes, chains, grips and seats and set out to fix them up last Saturday. This photo was taken near the beginning of the project:

The seats were ruined as were the tires, tubes, grips and chains. The tires did not look too bad but crumbled if touched. I replaced the seats, tires and tubes along with new rim tape, and the grips. I put street tires on both bikes a I think most if not all of the use will be on pavement:

After removing the completely rusted chains I discovered the bottom brackets on both bikes are shot. I removed all the cables on the mountain bike and the shift cables from the road bike. I brought the mt bike in the house to begin re-cabling it. I did the brakes without to much problem after figuring out how this type of brake which I had not worked on before works.

Today I put on the shift cables and found that the shifters were not working at all (they seemed to be the other day when I first started). I found a Youtube video on cleaning them and took them apart this evening. I also pulled the cranks and removed the cup and cone type bottom bracket. As I was taking out the left side cup loose balls started falling on the floor which is a bad sign since it is a caged bearing. I think I will order a modern cartridge BB for this bike. They are not so expensive and one will make a huge improvement in pedaling and maintenance. In the meantime the shifter mechanisms and the BB components are soaking in degreaser. If the shifters will not come around a new set is $50. They are combined with the brake levers. So far I am under $200 in parts for both bikes. New shifters will blow that budget but may be necessary.

Front brake:

Rear brake:

Disassembled shifter/brake bodies:

Cranks off:

In the drink next to dinner:

The mountain bike appears to have been a rental in Oregon in a former life. It was obviously near the ocean based on the amount of rust. I have to use copious Liquid Wrench to get many of the bolts and nuts and levers to move. The road bike is much older. It has no cable guides as do more modern bikes and a one piece crank. I may have a bit of trouble getting parts to repair the bottom bracket on this bike. A modern cartridge BB is no an option as far as I know at this point although I will research the subject on the web. It might be worth it to buy a modern BB and crankset if such is available.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

2014-01-19 - Pinto Mt. Loop on Road Bike

Miles: 14.4
Start Time: 11:19
Moving Time: 1:06:14
Elevation(Ft): 161
Avg Speed(MPH): 13.0
Max Speed(MPH): 24.6
Avg Cadence: 71
Avg HR: 114
Max HR: 132
Temp Out: 61
Temp In: 68

Pleasant ride on old route. I felt good.

Friday, January 17, 2014

2014-01-17 - Baseline + Mesquite Springs Loop on Road Bike

Miles: 11.4
Start Time: 10:38
Moving Time: 0:58:47
Elevation(Ft): 418
Avg Speed(MPH): 11.7
Max Speed(MPH): 32.7
Avg Cadence: 68
Avg HR: 110
Max HR: 147
Temp Out: 65
Temp In: 71

Good ride, nice day.

Monday, January 13, 2014

2014-01-13 - Baseline/Encelia Loop on Road Bike

Miles: 14.3
Start Time: 11:59
Moving Time: 1:16:59
Elevation(Ft): 505
Avg Speed(MPH): 11.1
Max Speed(MPH): 29.5
Avg Cadence: 68
Avg HR: 109
Max HR: 134
Temp Out: 60
Temp In: 64

Good workout with wind and hills. Not as energetic as Saturday. Brisk W to NW wind, 4-8 MPH. Sunny day. If nights were not so long and cold it would be perfect touring weather.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

2014-01-11 - Baseline Loop + Mesquite Springs on Road Bike

Miles: 12.3
Start Time: 12:10
Moving Time: 1:04:19
Elevation(Ft): 465
Avg Speed(MPH): 11.5
Max Speed(MPH): 35.6
Avg Cadence: 67
Avg HR: 110
Max HR: 146
Temp Out: 65
Temp In: 68

Beautiful with very mild N breeze. I felt fit today even though I do not feel 100%. Got caught in a dead end loop in town.

2014-01-10 - Around Neighborhood on Fuji

Miles: 6.7
Start Time: 2:58
Moving Time: 0:49:33
Elevation(Ft): 180
Avg Speed(MPH): 8.1
Max Speed(MPH): 27.5
Avg Cadence:
Avg HR:
Max HR:
Temp Out: 70
Temp In: 68

Relaxed ride around neighborhood on mountain bike. A nice warm afternoon.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

2014-01-09 - Baseline Loop Plus

Miles: 12.1
Start Time: 12:22
Moving Time: 1:06:40
Elevation(Ft): 484
Avg Speed(MPH): 10.9
Max Speed(MPH): 25.5
Avg Cadence: 63
Avg HR: 108
Max HR: 130
Temp Out: 60
Temp In: 64

Pleasant ride with a S wind at home and a W wind up above the highway. Stranmge but it seems to be the usual. Climbed up 1/2 mile beyond Baseline to get a bit more suffering in. I am not sure if I will do the Palm Springs 100 or not. If I do I will be wasted after.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

2014-01-6 - Bagdad Loop Walk

Miles: 5.2
Start Time: 1:22
Moving Time: 1:44:04
Elevation(Ft): 51
Avg Speed(MPH): 20:04
Max Speed(MPH): 00.0
Avg Cadence: 0
Avg HR: 0
Max HR: 0
Temp Out: 61
Temp In: 63

Did not go well. After just a few days of riding the bike my walking legs and feet are trashed. Better shoes would help. I am using some very old and worn and heavy Nike cross trainers.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

2014-01-05 - Short Tortoise Casino Loop on Road Bike

Miles: 9.4
Start Time: 1:00
Moving Time: 0:47:32
Elevation(Ft): 312
Avg Speed(MPH): 11.9
Max Speed(MPH): 30.9
Avg Cadence: 69
Avg HR: 115
Max HR: 136
Temp Out: 60
Temp In: 63

Cold NW to W wind. Otherwise sunny and nice. Not much to report.

Update: Sean, an Irish bike tourist is camped in the park tonight. He came down the coast from San Fransisco to San Diego. He did a 4 day loop tour around through Palm Desert with friends then came to 29 Palms via Pine Valley, Jacumba, The Fountain of Youth RV park near Niland and JTNP. He was happy to hang out in the laundry room with heat and light. It is a step up from camping out especially when the nights are lasting over 12 hours and it is chilly. Sorry about the poor photo. I will be sure to take 2 or more next time:

Friday, January 3, 2014

2014-01-03 - Mesquite Springs Loop on Road Bike

Miles: 12.0
Start Time: 10:08
Moving Time: 1:01:17
Elevation(Ft): 312>br/> Avg Speed(MPH): 11.7
Max Speed(MPH): 31.1
Avg Cadence: 63
Avg HR: 108
Max HR: 145
Temp Out: 60
Temp In: 67

Beautiful sunny and cool morning. I set out to do a loop up Utah Trail past park HQ to Baseline and around and home on Adobe Road. As I approached Utah on Amboy Road I saw two loaded touring bikes coming from the east on Amboy turn onto Utah. I hustled and caught up with them. They were Kevin and Jerome (photo above), French tourists who started in Seattle and are headed to Argentina via Mexico, etc. They had come down the coast and across the Central Valley and over Walker Pass and through Death Valley to reach 29 Palms. I rode along and chatted with them to Two Mile Road where they turned right to visit one of the local markets. I started to continue on my planned route but decided to follow them to be sure they found the market OK which led to the route on the map above.

After I got home I changed and drove up Utah Trail and found them near Park HQ. I gave them some fresh fruit and a couple of Ramen noodle packs. We chatted a bit and they went on their way. They have more guts than I do to go through Mexico by bike.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

2014-01-01 - Utah Trail Loop on Road Bike

Miles: 6.4
Start Time: 1:35
Moving Time: 0:31:00
Elevation(Ft): 0
Avg Speed(MPH): 12.4
Max Speed(MPH): 17.0
Avg Cadence: 70
Avg HR: 110
Max HR: 133
Temp Out: 70
Temp In: 73

Beautiful warm winter afternoon with a mild SW breeze. A good start for a new year.