Friday, January 3, 2014

2014-01-03 - Mesquite Springs Loop on Road Bike

Miles: 12.0
Start Time: 10:08
Moving Time: 1:01:17
Elevation(Ft): 312>br/> Avg Speed(MPH): 11.7
Max Speed(MPH): 31.1
Avg Cadence: 63
Avg HR: 108
Max HR: 145
Temp Out: 60
Temp In: 67

Beautiful sunny and cool morning. I set out to do a loop up Utah Trail past park HQ to Baseline and around and home on Adobe Road. As I approached Utah on Amboy Road I saw two loaded touring bikes coming from the east on Amboy turn onto Utah. I hustled and caught up with them. They were Kevin and Jerome (photo above), French tourists who started in Seattle and are headed to Argentina via Mexico, etc. They had come down the coast and across the Central Valley and over Walker Pass and through Death Valley to reach 29 Palms. I rode along and chatted with them to Two Mile Road where they turned right to visit one of the local markets. I started to continue on my planned route but decided to follow them to be sure they found the market OK which led to the route on the map above.

After I got home I changed and drove up Utah Trail and found them near Park HQ. I gave them some fresh fruit and a couple of Ramen noodle packs. We chatted a bit and they went on their way. They have more guts than I do to go through Mexico by bike.

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