Saturday, February 22, 2014

2014-02-22 - Pinto Mt. Loop on Single Speed

Miles: 16.3
Start Time 8:36
Moving Time: 1:17:37
Elevation(Ft): 161
Avg Spd(M): 12.6
Max Spd(M): 20.8
Temp Out: 53
Temp In: 66

Miles: 7.2
Start Time 05:03
Moving Time: 38:39
Elevation(Ft): 107
Avg Spd(M): 11.2
Max Spd(M): 24.6
Temp Out: 70
Temp In: 70

After taking a warmup lap in the park I went out onto Amboy Road westbound into a very cool (cold) NW wind. It was nasty all the way to Valle Vista. Fortunately by the time I turned back into the wind on Amboy Road it had warmed up considerably so the only issues were the grade and headwind. The two miles back to Bullion Mt. Rd. were a chore with no lower gears to fall back on. I did hold 10-11 MPH though. It seems with this bike that after one is warmed up if the pedals are turning the speed is at least 10. I made it about 1/2 up the steep hill on Pinto and had to walk the rest. My legs are just not strong enough to push this gear up that much grade. The bike worked flawlessly other than the noisy brakes.

The bike weighs 33 pounds as it is in the picture sans water bottle. This includes a tube, a 15 in one wrench, a 6" crescent, pliers, a 10 mm ratchet wrench, a phillips screwdriver and a Master Blaster pump.

Update: 6:05 PM

A few easy laps in the park then around the Luckie Park loop. Clouded over and a bit cool.

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