Monday, March 31, 2014

2014-03-31 - Airport Loop on Vilano 3 Speed

Miles: 26.5
Start Time 12:41
Moving Time: 2:13:19
Elevation(Ft): 491
Avg Spd(M): 11.9
Max Spd(M): 32.2
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out: 70
Temp In: 75

A New "Ghost Bike" on Valle Vista Road:

A "Ghost Bike" Is a bike, usually old, painted white and put at the site of a bicycle fatality. I had to look this one up. It was a 31 year old man riding against the traffic (illegal in CA) at night apparently working on a container of "beverage" (also illegal). He attempted to cross the road in front of an oncoming car and payed a high price. It is a sad and needless event and one more good example of why DUI is a bad idea. It is a tragedy for his family.

A beautiful spring day with a variable wind (as so often is the case here), Mostly NW to the Airport then SW to W the rest of the loop. It was nice going out but I had a 5-10 mostly headwind with 15-20 gusts coming uphill back to town. Other than the fact that it can take 5+ MPH off your forward speed the most aggravating aspect of it for me is the roaring in the ears and beyond the irritation of that one cannot hear cars or trucks until they are already upon one. It was not bad enough to ruin the ride though.

At the Airport:

A Roadrunner at JTNP HQ (not a common sight):


A nice pair of Beemer touring motorcycles:

The right wind direction and velocity to cause the beautiful sculpture to rotate more than I have seen before:

3/8" Wrench Picked up From the Shoulder at the Airport Driveway (also not a common sight in this day of cars most home mechanics cannot work on):

Sunday, March 30, 2014

2014-03-30 - Baseline and Home Through Town on 3 Speed

Miles: 12.4
Start Time 5:34
Moving Time: 1:04:52
Elevation(Ft): 333
Avg Spd(M): 11.5
Max Spd(M): 25.3
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out: 68
Temp In: 70

Nice evening ride with 3-6 N wind. I clocked a sustained max wind speed of 19.4 a and max gust of 31.0 today. It was probably somewhat higher as it was a West wind much of the day and my meter is partially shielded by trees on the west. There was plenty of dirt blowing around and at times the visibility was probably around 1/2 mile or less.

The bike is working well and no flat(s) so far. I will have Stop Flat strips on Tuesday so I hope my luck holds until then at least.

Some of the Plants at JTNP HQ:

Honda Elite CH80 Scooter

I purchased this scooter from my neighbor 3-4 years ago. I purchased several parts for it including a new rear tire and battery but could not get it to run. It has been sitting since. Last week I finally got back to it and removed the carburetor and disassembled it. I found that one of the jets was loose to the point of nearly falling out of its seat. I cleaned the carb up and screwed the jet back in and put it back on the scoot and after buying a second new battery it runs fine now. I have been having a good time putting around the park on it. I cannot take it outside because it is not currently registered. I need to inspect and clean the drive line, change the oil an put the body panels back on and it could be good to go after registration.

New Battery

Saturday, March 29, 2014

2014-03-29 - Around Park and to Luckie Park on Vilano 3 Speed

Miles: 10.4
Start Time 10:47
Moving Time: 1:02:13
Elevation(Ft): 191
Avg Spd(M): 10.0
Max Spd(M): 29.1
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out: 70
Temp In: 75

Did 2 laps in park then decided I was willing to walk home from Luckie Park if need be so I stopped and put on helmet and gloves, did another in the park lap then hit the road for Luckie. When I got there I decided I might as well go on around. I had to do one last lap in the park to get to 10 miles.

The bike performs well. The downshift from 3rd to 2nd is not always so clean. The shift cable adjustment looks good. Sometime it is because I do not let the shifter rotate all the way to the second gear stop and other times it seem to just hang up momentarily. Hopefully more break-in will take care of it.

At 21 pounds this bike is about the same as my road bike. I can feel the difference in weight with the new wheels when I carry it up the steps into the trailer. This is a good thing.

Shifter Adjustment Right On (White line between two parallel bars):

Hub and Shift Cam:

Front View:

Friday, March 28, 2014

2-14-03-28 - Afternoon and Evening Rides on New 3 Speed Wheels

Miles: 7.1
Start Time 2:30
Moving Time: 0:41:00
Elevation(Ft): 0
Avg Spd(M): 10.5
Max Spd(M):
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out: 75
Temp In: 75


The wheelset came about 12:30. I unpacked it and started changing out the fixie wheels. The website said the rear over locknut dimension was 132mm but to my pleasant surprise it was about 120mm which means it slipped into place with no frame bending. I put the wheel on and looked on the Internet for instructions for installing the shift mechanism. It consists of a handlebar mounted twist shift, a cable, a pushrod and a cam mechanism to activate the pushrod. The pushrod goes into the drive side axle and the cam device slips over the end of the axle and pushrod and is locked in place by a set screw. I put this on then removed the old right side handlebar grip, moved th brake out of the way then mounted the shifter and a new shorter grip. Th grip is one of a sett that came with the twist shifters I have on my touring bike. I use bar tape ont hat bike so the grips have been sitting in my box waiting for a purpose. All that remained was to zip tie the cable to the frame, adjust the cable length and put the front wheel on. Soon enough I was ready to give it a test ride.

New Wheel and Shift Cam Mounted:

Shifter and New Grip (I have since moved the computer to the lower section of the bar):

Shift Cam in Place:

Rear Wheel Ready to Go With Cable Tied to Frame:

I rode up and down the park before I realized I had made my standard error an left the computer magnet on he old wheel. I stopped at home and retrieved it then rode another 6+ miles in the park. I don't mind sticking close to home until I see that all is well. Near the end of the ride I stopped an re-adjusted the shift cable and it shifts like glass. The tires have no Stop Fla Strips yet and it is only a matter of time before one or both develop leaks from sticker punctures.

It is not the same bike but after this ride I am pretty much adapted to it. The wheels do not feel as solid as the fixie set and they are not perfect in true or tension. I will mess with them as time goes on to see how much I can improve them. In the meantime It is a fine bike to ride and the ability to downshift when turning into the wind or on a step pitch is a nice feature and my knees appreciate it already even before tackling a real hill.

Evening: 8:00 PM

I napped from about 5:00 to 6:45 then went out for a short evening jaunt. I am liking the bike as it is more and more. I was concerned that to top gear would be too big/high for me but it feels about right and I really like being able to drop down to a lower ratio when needed. So far I have not been able to use first gear but it will probably allow me to get up most of the stuff around here with some blood sweat and tears. I weighed the bike and it came in at 21 pounds. I recorded 26 pounds when I first built the bike with the single speed wheels. That seems like too large a difference but I just weighed the SS wheels and they are 11 pounds with 2 freewheels installed, very heavy, very solid. Losing 5 pounds of bike weight is not a bad thing.


I currently have six options for gearing this bike. I have 41 and 44 tooth chainrings and 16, 20 and 22 tooth cogs. The obvious combinations are 41/16, 41/20, 41/22, 44/16, 44/20 and 44/22. I like my gear numbers in Gear Inches which indicate the number of inches the rear wheel advances on the road per crank rotation. Gear Inch is a calculation based on Wheel and tire size (700x32), crank arm length (170mm), chainring size (41 or 44), cog size (16, 20 or 22) and in this case hub gear ratios (for a derailleur bike the various cogs on the cassette or freewheel are used in place of hub ratios). The ratios for the Nexus 3 speed hub are: 0.72 (low), 1.0, and 1.36 (high). I use the Sheldon Brown Gear Calculator to compute Gear Inches. It can be found HERE.

The Gear Inches for my selection of cogs and rings are as follow:

41/16: 50.7, 59.2 and 94.2

41/20: 40.6, 55.4 and 75.5

41/22: 36.9, 50.3 and 68.6

44/16: 54.4, 74.3 and 101.3

44/20: 43.5, 59.4 and 81.0

44/22: 39.6, 54.0 and 73.7

41 and 44/16 can be eliminated out of hand because the high gear is just way to much for my old legs. The default single speed gearing is 46/16 which gives 105.9 Gear Inches. I use gears in that range on my road bike only on long steep downhills. I guess young guys can push those kind of numbers on the flat but I cannot. 44/22 is essentially the same as 41/20 so it is out. That leaves 41/20, 41/22 and 44/20 as legitimate possibilities. I am using 44/22 now and if my legs continue to improve I might get away with 41/20 or even 44/20 but I seriously doubt I will be able to get beyond that and that is fine with me. I do much better with lower gears and higher cadence than the reverse and it is much easier on knees and leg muscles.

In summary I will use 41/22 for now and keep the option of changing the cog to 20 tooth in mind.

Other possibilities include gearing this bike to pull a loaded trailer for touring. The largest cog available is 23 teeth which offers very little reduction over a 22 tooth. This leaves the next step to be a smaller chainring. A 34 tooth ring may be the smallest that will fit my crank:

34/23: 29.3, 39.9 and 54.4

This combination could make touring with a moderately loaded trailer a reasonable option. As as comparison my touring bike has a granny gear of 17.5 and a high of 108.0 with 25 other possibilities in between. I have not found a hill I could not get up or a grade I did not have a comfortable gear for with a total bike and luggage weight of 90-100 pounds. The touring bike alone weighs 38 pounds. The only way to find what the limits of a 3 speed geared for touring are is to try it.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

2014-03-27 - Baseline/Mesquite Springs Loop on Single Speed

Miles: 12.5
Start Time 10:31
Moving Time: 1:05:01
Elevation(Ft): 418
Avg Spd(M): 11.5
Max Spd(M): 32.2
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out: 62
Temp In: 64

A chilly ride to JTNP HQ and around to Mesquite Springs Road. No problems. Second ride with new medium priced ($30) Canari XXL bike shorts. They Are slightly oversize but work fine. If they shrink a tad in the wash they will be close enough. The pad is not as plush as in the 2 pairs of Bellwether shorts I have been wearing since 2011 but it seems to be as effective and the price is less than half of the current Bellwether tab. I wanted to have more pairs to avoid wearing a pair for more than 2 days. I have found that while size XL fits my body and legs well the pad is too narrow and the stitching on the edge which is nylon thread cuts into my rump where it and the thread meet the corner of the seat. This has been true for all the XL shorts I have tried regardless of brand so I use XXL now even though they are a bit too large otherwise.

Below is what is left of the Oasis of Mira, which is I think the 29 Palms namesake, after we humans have sucked the water table way down. It is behind and to the west of the Park HQ building:

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

2014-03-26 - Cold and Dark in the Park

Miles: 2.1
Start Time 7:37
Moving Time: 0:16:23
Elevation(Ft): 0
Avg Spd(M): 7.8
Max Spd(M): 13.6
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out: 61
Temp In: 61

I went out in the dark intending to do about 5 miles/laps but stopped after 2. There is a cold 5-10 West wind. My nose has been running today. I don't know if I am getting the cold that is going around or a reprise of the one I had in October or if the blooming olive trees are affecting me. Either way it is getting annoying. This might explain why I was so tired today as well.

I wore my Crocs clogs and did not get 10 yards before I was hitting the pump with my heel. The pump went back on the rack and I took the mounting bracket off the seatstay when I got home. End of experiment.

I took the scooter carburetor over to the park shop and blew out all the passages I could find, reassembled it and put it back on the scooter. The battery appears to be a dead duck in spite of being on the charger overnight which is no surprise. Is has been sitting idle outside for 2-3 years. More tinkering is in order and most probably a new battery.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

2014-03-25 - Baseline/Leer/Pole Line/Indian Trail/Utah on Single Speed

Miles: 30.9
Start Time 10:41
Moving Time: 2:39:22
Elevation(Ft): 949
Avg Spd(M): 11.6
Max Spd(M): 32.4
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out: 77
Temp In: 83

Good ride on a temperate day. I did use two bottles of liquid. I had a Cliff Bar with me and was glad as I ran out of gas at the Morongo Road/Indian Trail junction. I am tempted to try the Joshua Tree Jumbo Rocks loop on this bike but I will wait for the 3 speed wheelset. My knees will thank me.

Plant Stuff (Some Blooming) at JTNP HQ:

Near Two Mile and Leer:

Update: 8:00 PM

Received rear rack for Vilano this afternoon. It did not come with mounting screws. I had M5 screws for the top mounts but only 1 M6 for the chainstay mounts. I went down to the auto parts store this evening and got some M6 x 12mm. They are hex headed unlike the round headed Allen cap screws common on bicycles. Since I have to carry a wrench for the wheel bolts it is not such a big deal on this bike but I will replace them with cap screws when I get access to some. They are not common hardware store items in this age of prepackaged and limited selection hardware.

This rack is disappointing. It is small/short and offers no leg length adjustment. It fits this bike OK and will be fine but for a few dollars more I could have had a much better unit. It will work because I will never carry much of a load on this bike anyway. The frame is very close coupled with very short chainstays which means there is no heel room for standard panniers. I could tow a trailer of course and that is a possibility in the future.

The plan is to carry the pump on the rack for local rides:

And the trunk bag for longer rides requiring extra water or clothing, etc. (the trunk bag has Velcro loops for the pump):

The trunk bag has small fold out side pockets/panniers which make it suitable for short so called credit card tours (nights spent in motels) of a few days. Its only shortcoming is lack of a taillight hanger. I may be able to mount a light on the rack where I currently have a reflector.

After some experimentation it appears that I can carry the pump on the seat stay which seems like a cleaner solution than having it on the rack especially since this rack, unlike my other two, is shorter than the pump:

I took this arrangement for a short test ride and it seems to have no foot clearance issues so I will try it on a longer ride to see if it has problems I cannot see in the dark.

I also received a black nylon bottle bracket which I had hoped would match the existing one but it is glossy instead of flat. I like things to match but I can live with it. I chose this one because it was $3 cheaper than a match for the original which includes a frame clamp I needed for a previous bike, the Murray, but not this one which has 2 sets of bottle cage braze-ons. Oh well, it is hardly an issue. A more legitimate concern is how the 3 speed hub will change this bike. Will it be an improvement or ruin it? Time will tell. The wheels are to arrive Friday.

Original to the Front:

PS It is certainly a pleasure to have the work stand to hang the bike on. It is a luxury to have the the areas to be worked on accessible without the necessity of any gymnastics.

Monday, March 24, 2014

2014-03-24 - Ride Around Area on Single Speed

Miles: 7.9
Start Time 10:17
Moving Time: 0:44:36
Elevation(Ft): 0
Avg Spd(M): 10.7
Max Spd(M): 14.8
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out: 72
Temp In: 75

Too Lazy to Remove Pump:

Quick 45 minute ride to burn a few calories.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

2014-03-23 - Baseline/Valle Vista/Bagdad Loop on Single Speed

Miles: 19.1
Start Time 11:38
Moving Time: 1:36:42
Elevation(Ft): 467
Avg Spd(M): 11.9
Max Spd(M): 34.0
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out:
Temp In: 78

Warm afternoon with high clouds and mild breeze, mostly East. Legs tired for some reason. I moved pump to top tube and put on a second bottle cage in deference to warmer weather. I ended up not going as far as I expected and only needed one bottle anyway but soon 2 will be in order. I have to take the pump off or hang the bike by the seat tube to keep it on the work stand now. Neither is convenient. I ordered a luggage rack and will bungee the pump on it when it arrives. End of problem.

Two Bottles:

Biking the Easy Way:

Biking the Easy Way - Part II:

The Pump (Master Blaster):

Due to a twist of fate I have two of these pumps. They are the best portable pumps going but take up a lot of Real Estate on the bike. You can actually get 100-130 pounds into a tire by the side of the road without getting a hernia.

Pump Removed to Make Room for Work Stand Clamp: