Tuesday, March 25, 2014

2014-03-25 - Baseline/Leer/Pole Line/Indian Trail/Utah on Single Speed

Miles: 30.9
Start Time 10:41
Moving Time: 2:39:22
Elevation(Ft): 949
Avg Spd(M): 11.6
Max Spd(M): 32.4
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out: 77
Temp In: 83

Good ride on a temperate day. I did use two bottles of liquid. I had a Cliff Bar with me and was glad as I ran out of gas at the Morongo Road/Indian Trail junction. I am tempted to try the Joshua Tree Jumbo Rocks loop on this bike but I will wait for the 3 speed wheelset. My knees will thank me.

Plant Stuff (Some Blooming) at JTNP HQ:

Near Two Mile and Leer:

Update: 8:00 PM

Received rear rack for Vilano this afternoon. It did not come with mounting screws. I had M5 screws for the top mounts but only 1 M6 for the chainstay mounts. I went down to the auto parts store this evening and got some M6 x 12mm. They are hex headed unlike the round headed Allen cap screws common on bicycles. Since I have to carry a wrench for the wheel bolts it is not such a big deal on this bike but I will replace them with cap screws when I get access to some. They are not common hardware store items in this age of prepackaged and limited selection hardware.

This rack is disappointing. It is small/short and offers no leg length adjustment. It fits this bike OK and will be fine but for a few dollars more I could have had a much better unit. It will work because I will never carry much of a load on this bike anyway. The frame is very close coupled with very short chainstays which means there is no heel room for standard panniers. I could tow a trailer of course and that is a possibility in the future.

The plan is to carry the pump on the rack for local rides:

And the trunk bag for longer rides requiring extra water or clothing, etc. (the trunk bag has Velcro loops for the pump):

The trunk bag has small fold out side pockets/panniers which make it suitable for short so called credit card tours (nights spent in motels) of a few days. Its only shortcoming is lack of a taillight hanger. I may be able to mount a light on the rack where I currently have a reflector.

After some experimentation it appears that I can carry the pump on the seat stay which seems like a cleaner solution than having it on the rack especially since this rack, unlike my other two, is shorter than the pump:

I took this arrangement for a short test ride and it seems to have no foot clearance issues so I will try it on a longer ride to see if it has problems I cannot see in the dark.

I also received a black nylon bottle bracket which I had hoped would match the existing one but it is glossy instead of flat. I like things to match but I can live with it. I chose this one because it was $3 cheaper than a match for the original which includes a frame clamp I needed for a previous bike, the Murray, but not this one which has 2 sets of bottle cage braze-ons. Oh well, it is hardly an issue. A more legitimate concern is how the 3 speed hub will change this bike. Will it be an improvement or ruin it? Time will tell. The wheels are to arrive Friday.

Original to the Front:

PS It is certainly a pleasure to have the work stand to hang the bike on. It is a luxury to have the the areas to be worked on accessible without the necessity of any gymnastics.

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