Saturday, March 1, 2014

2014-03-01 - Baseline/Mesquite Springs Loop on Vilano SS

Miles: 14.3
Start Time 11:54
Moving Time: 1:12:20
Elevation(Ft): 417
Avg Spd(M): 11.8
HR Avg(BPM): 102
HR Max(BPM): 131
Max Spd(M): 30.6
Temp Out:
Temp In: 55

It was chilly when I started. I thought it would, as usual, warm up as I proceeded. Wrong! It got colder and was downright frigid at Park HQ and on baseline Road which is about 250 feet higher than home. It was also under heavier cloud cover and sprinkling. When I got down to Sullivan Road it was more comfortable and the sprinkles had stopped. About 2 miles from home it started sprinkling again and not 5 minutes after I got in the door there was a brief but intense downpour. I would have been well served to have at least one more layer on. Part of the problem is that I misread the thermometer on the way out the door and saw the inside temp which was 64. It was probably closer to 50 outside. Oh well. I survived.

I took photos with my Sony camera at both Luckie Park and Park HQ but they still do not do the bike justice. I turned off the flash which may have helped but more light is in order. I hope I get some good shots before the bike is trashed.

I am including too many pictures but it is free. At Luckie Park:

At Park HQ:

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