Friday, March 7, 2014

2014-03-07 - Airport Loop on Vilano Single Speed

Miles: 7.4
Start Time 3:56
Moving Time: 0:43:29
Elevation(Ft): 170
Avg Spd(M): 10.2
Max Spd(M): 24.2
HR Avg(BPM): 108
HR Max(BPM): 130
Temp Out: 70
Temp In: 75

A beautiful afternoon in the desert! After the now usual warmup run to the end of thee park and back I started out into a brisk 8-12+ NW wind. Once I made it to Valle Vista I had essentially a free ride to the Airport for which I knew I would pay dearly coming back to town. After a brief photo and drink stop at the airport I started up the hill into the wind. About half way back to Utah Trail I realized the rear tire was flat (no wonder I was struggling so hard to make progress uphill and into the wind). This was a big disappointment as I hoped to avoid flats with the Stop-Flats strip installed. I could see nothing in the tire so it is possible that the patch I put on the tube last week failed. Fortunately is was a slow leak and I was able to get home by pumping it up 2 times, the first by the side of the highway and the second at Luckie Park. I will look to see what happened later. I will also buy a couple of high quality tubes next week when I go to town.

During rides my mind overflows with fine things to say on this blog but when I get home they are gone. It is probably just as well.

It is pretty obvious in these pictures that the bike frame is green:

Nearly 80 under the patio cover at the airport but about 72 in the open. Very pleasant:

Airport windsock pointing NW:

Inflation Station Number II (note flat rear tire):

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