Monday, March 3, 2014

2014-03-03 - Around Area on Vilano SS and Floor Redo

Miles: 6.2
Start Time 1:55
Moving Time: 0:33:47
Elevation(Ft): 0
Avg Spd(M): 11.1
Max Spd(M): 17.4
HR Avg(BPM):
HR Max(BPM):
Temp Out: 70
Temp In: 70

Short ride around park and environs on very tired legs with sore knees. The legs and knees are tired partially from plenty of uphill miles on the fairly high geared SS and partially from getting up and down many times to redo the floor of my RV slideout. I have a 20 tooth freewheel coming Wednesday which will help a lot and the floor is finished so that will not be a recurring issue.

When I did the floor last week I did not use underlayment and between that and the wobble caused by what I took to be a curve in the slideout edge the floor was quite spongy and the joints where the chair was rolling were opening up. I took the floor up to add underlayment and to try to fix the wobble and get the joints straight and securely locked. It turns out that there was a plastic tube of screws in the slot under the stair nose moulding on the edge of the slide. This prevented the first course from sitting under the stair nose straight. I discovered this when I was trying to get the foam underlayment to go into the slot. The tube of screws came with the moulding had apparently been attached to the moulding and I did not notice it when I originally installed it. It did not create and issue when I was putting the moulding on top of the flooring but it did when I was trying to put flooring under it and trying to get it straight and the joints closed. Once the tube of screws was removed everything went together very well although I did have to cut a 1" strip to put against the outside wall because without the tube of screws the gap at the wall was too large to cover with the quarter round trim. I did not have long pieces of flooring left to work with so I used several short ones with butt joints. They are under the quarter round for the most part and are hard if not impossible to find.

The first 2 courses and the underlayment (the famous tube of screws is on the floor beyond the obvious joint at the end of the underlayment):

I probably would have been well served to take up the table and buy another box of flooring and replace everything to the far dinette bench. I can do that later if I get tired of my chair running into the "T" moulding at the end of the table. It is not much of a problem but may get tiresome later.

The joint under the edge of the table covered with "T" moulding:

The outside wall with quarter round in place:

Corner detail. Not perfect but behind the chair anyway:

Back to what passes as "normal" here:

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